There are a lot of benefits associated with IT outsourcing, so if you’re looking for a new way to up your IT game, it’s an excellent way to start.

When Should You Consider Moving Towards IT Outsourcing?

There are multiple reasons a business might decide to outsource their IT functions. It could be that the business is growing rapidly and the current IT team (or, as is often the case, the sole IT person) can’t keep up with the needs of the business.

Even companies with an established IT department might need extra assistance if all available resources are tied up with other projects, or if there is a significant event happening. For example, a company-wide migration to a cloud-based computing platform where large amounts of data need to be transferred, or an acquisition scenario.

Another factor in needing additional IT support is if there is a security flaw or potential exploit in your current IT setup. Leaving these security flaws unaddressed and exploits unresolved can be costly in the long run, given that global cybercrime costs are expected to increase by 15 percent per year over the next five years, reaching $10.5 trillion USD annually by 2025.

If your current IT team doesn’t have the knowledge or resources to both identify and resolve flaws in your current system, you may want to consider IT outsourcing.

How Can IT Outsourcing Benefit You?

Outsourcing IT services can provide a business with a number of benefits, including cost savings, improved efficiency and increased security. In addition, outsourcing can help businesses save money by allowing them to purchase services at a lower cost than if they were to provide those services in-house.

When a company contracts with an IT services provider, the provider assumes responsibility for managing and maintaining the company’s technology infrastructure. This can include everything from data storage and backup to network security and system updates.

The provider can often do this more cost effectively than the company could on its own, due to its economies of scale. In addition, by outsourcing certain IT functions, a company can free up its in-house staff to focus on other initiatives.

Another key benefit of outsourcing is that it can help a company keep pace with the latest technology developments. By working with an experienced IT services provider, a company can take advantage of the newest hardware and software.

If you need to prepare for an external audit for compliance reasons, an IT outsourcing firm can assist with that as well, and not tie up any internal IT resources to do so. They can also assist if you need to contract a third party to perform an audit, either for compliance reasons or for your own peace of mind.

Where Can You Find the IT Outsourcing Help You Need?

There’s no one right solution or answer for everyone, so it’s important to find an IT outsourcing service provider who can come in and take some time to understand the current landscape, where you’re at, where you’re trying to get to and why you need to get there.

If any recent events have uncovered a security gap in your current IT setup, or if you’re worried one might exist, an IT service provider can conduct a risk assessment in order to expose any flaws in your current system that are cause for concern or could be in the future.

At that point, they can help you set priorities for what needs to be done and when, and give you a timeline and a solid plan for getting any necessary work completed.

Socium Solutions can assist with all your IT needs, whether your current team needs training or coaching, whether you need to supplement your current IT team due to special projects or pending initiatives, or whether you need someone to take over your IT services altogether.

Contact Socium Solutions today to discuss how we can best help to meet your current and future IT needs.