Malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks are just some of the dangers that companies must be aware of and work to prevent. If you think these threats don’t apply to you, they do. Cybercriminals don’t discriminate; they will attack any size company to get what they want.

Who Needs Cybersecurity?

Every company needs cybersecurity awareness, training, and prevention. Your industry or company size does not matter. Threat actors will attack any business that is an easy target for quick opportunities to steal data, make money, or cause disruption.

The reasons for these attacks vary, but typically, they are for financial gain and your ruin. Even a tiny network breach can cause downtime, devastation, and financial issues that have the potential to significantly impact the success of your business.

Why is Cybersecurity Important?

Some of the ramifications of a cybersecurity attack include:

  • Ruined reputation.

  • Damaged credibility.

  • Downtime.

  • Loss of sales.

  • Stolen identities.

  • Financial fraud.

  • Stolen intellectual property like trade secrets.

Many of the repercussions of an attack can be long-lasting and, in some cases, devastating to the business. Some small and medium-sized companies never recover from even one incident.

The threat landscape is ever-evolving, and you need to keep up. The number one way you can protect your company is through effective cybersecurity monitoring, protection, training, and awareness.

What Does Cybersecurity Entail?

Cybersecurity is a term that encompasses many different elements that work together to prevent unwanted access and intrusion into your network. These elements include cybersecurity best practices, education, monitoring, prevention, and emergency response. The best cybersecurity solutions are customizable and scalable.

It is common for small and medium sized companies to believe that they are immune to cyber threats–what could a business of their size offer to cyber criminals? However, it is important to remember that cybersecurity is not just for large organizations, but it is also crucial for small-medium-sized companies that may be even more vulnerable than larger corporations who expect increased cyber threats.

Socium Security and Solutions works to provide comprehensive cybersecurity services through an outsourced suite of technology services and resources.

Our flexible solutions are designed around your company’s requirements and protection goals. Some of the services we offer include:

  • Information Security Management

  • Risk / Vulnerability Assessment

  • Penetration Testing / Planning

  • Email Security

  • Endpoint Protection

  • Incident Response Programs

  • Identity and Access Management

  • User Awareness

Socium considers your company’s culture, staff, business model, processes, and operations when designing your custom cybersecurity program. Our goal is always to keep you productive and efficient without any data loss or downtime.

Don’t make it easier for cybercriminals to reach your front door. Instead, invest in your company’s protection today! Contact Socium Security and Solutions for more information about our programs and services.